Our thanks to the following people who have been of great assistance in the establishment of Creation Research.

Rev Frank White Snr. & Mrs Isabella White
The reverend Frank and his wife Isabella were instrumental in challenging and encouraging John and Anne Mackay to follow God’s leading in establishing creation ministry and trusting in faith, that the God of the bible would provide all our needs. Mrs Isabella White’s direct challenge to John Mackay after the annual Presbyterian camp in Queensland was, “Haven’t you read the life story of Hudson Taylor. … “if God has called you to do this ministry you better do it.”
Both the reverend Frank and Isabella have been missionaries in China working under the old China inland mission. Their advice was based on years of experience in trusting God. Both of these saints are now with the Lord, but their advice in trusting him has proved 100% reliable in running Creation Research.

Bryn & Beryl Barrett
Bryn was a Welshman who moved to Australia and pastored a church in Toowoomba. John Mackay has been a regular speaker at Bryn’s church prior to Bryn moving to Manchester UK. Bryn became the first ministry co-ordinator for Creation Research in the UK and was responsible for distributing our videos to Eastern Europe which would open doors following the collapse of communism.

Martin Barrow
Martin and his wife live in Manchester UK – In 2003 they adopted three children all of the same age, and have suddenly found themselves fully occupied in a ministry in the next generation. Martin was funder mental in organising our first web site material.

John Jones
John Jones was our first UK video department. He generously donated much of his time and labour to the production and distribution of Creation Research videos. He was previously a Lecturer in Medicine, who since retirement donated eight years of his time to Creation Research.

Ralph Cossitt
Ralph and Carol Cossitt were from Canada. Ralph was afflicted with diabetes at an early age and was already blind when he attended his first Creation Research meeting. It was love at first sight and for many years Ralph and Carol ran Creation Research work in Canada. Ralph passed on through diabetes complications January 30th. A.D. 2002. He is now much better off with the Lord, but sorely missed on earth. Ralph is shown with a clock he made shortly before his death.

Craig Houghton
Craig (from Canada) volunteered to step into the breach of Ralp Cossitt died. Craig is a policeman and has a large home schooling family. We are grateful to him and his wife for holding things together until Jack Hannah and his team became available.

Arthur Tuck
Arthur Tuck and his wife Evylyn were supporters of Creation Research from the very beginning. Arthur’s generosity to the ministry and his commitment to truth of God’s word made him a keen friend through thick and thin. Arthur went to be with the Lord in A.D. 2003.

Dr Allen Hall
DR ALLEN HALL (1919-2004) was the first Academic John Mackay asked to join the Advisory Board of Creation Science in Australia. At the time, Allen was in charge of the State Government Language program for Aboriginal education and was a University Lecturer in Linguistics. His role in Creation Research productions such as ‘The Origin of the Races’ Video/DVD, and a yet to be published Bible Commentary was vital. Allen received The Order of Australia medal from the National Government for his services to Aboriginal Language Education. Always faithful in Christian Missionary work, Allen had translated the Bible into several languages and was our consultant on questions of Biblical Hebrew or Greek. He became a dear friend who was faithful through good times and bad and was the consistent leader of our Prayer Executive since 1987, as he and his wife Jo opened up their house to Creation Research. Allen passed into God’s presence Saturday 24th July, AD 2004 after battling congestive heart failure for several months. He was 85 years old. Now he’s enjoying a new home in the Lord’s mansion. Pray for his wife Jo, his 6 children and many grandchildren in their time of loss. The Lord Jesus blessed us through Allen. We shall see him again in glory.

Gwen Taylor
After 27 years as Ministry in the office keeping track of the accounts and financial records, Gwen retired June 30th, 2007 to care for aging parents’ in-law. Pray for her work in the new ministry and praise the Lord for her tremendous work for Creation Research.

David Stewart
David’s consistent and faithful support over the years is the reason we have named the Hungarian Creation Research Scholarship in his honour. Appropriately this scholarship which rewards students for their research on the evidence for Biblical creation commenced in 2009 the year of Charles Darwin’s anniversary. Dr David Stewart was a surgeon and a keen supporter of Creation Research in the USA who was mightily blessed by the field research of our Tennessee team and went to be with the Lord during 2008. These monuments are erected at Jurassic Ark. JURASSIC ARK PLAQUES these monuments are erected at Jurassic Ark. See The Donor Tree. WINNERS FOR HUNGARIAN DR STEWART SCHOLARSHIP and more details click HERE

Prof John Rendle-Short
A.M., M.A., M.B., B.Chir., M.D. (Cantab.), F.R.C.P., F.R.A.C.P…. WITH SADNESS we note the passing of Professor John Rendle-Short, who was the 2nd University of Queensland academic John Mackay asked to join the Creation Science Advisory Board in the early days. Professor Rendle-Short became firmly convinced that Genesis could be historically trusted after attending a series of meetings run by John Mackay and Ken Ham. Professor John Rendle-Short died peacefully in Toowoomba Qld on Thursday 21st January 2010. Prof was the much loved husband of Angel (deceased), and father of Hephzibah, Francesca, Hume, Johanna, Alexandra and Charlotte. May God continue to use Professor Rendle-Short’s testimony even though he has now passed on to glory with Christ. Dr (Tyndale) John Rendle-Short was Foundation Professor and Head of the Department of Child Health in the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, a post he held for 24 years. In 1981 he was made a Member of the Order of Australia for services in medicine and infantile autism….

Romulus Campan
was our Eastern European rep for many years from the mid 1990’s until middle 2010. Romulus acted as our translator for Creation Research ministry visits to Hungary and Romania and as the host for our regular television show produced by Alpha-Omega TV. Pray for Romulus and his family that God’s blessing may continue to guide him in his new career.

Neil Golding
Neil Golding’s generosity helped rebuild JA after the 2011 floods. Thanks mate.

Dr Munday & Effie
Dr John Munday have been keen supporters of this ministry and who both have gone to be with the Lord Jesus in Glory in 2014. JURASSIC ARK PLAQUES these monuments are erected at Jurassic Ark. See The Donor Tree.

Bob Willmer
Bob Willmer was a prospector whose travels helped find many specimens for Jurassic Ark.

Fred Dainty
Fred Dainty retired builder has been responsible for many construction projects at JA. A blessed friend. IF WE NEEDED IT FRED COULD MAKE IT, fix it or re-invent a better version for our research experiments at Jurassic Ark. He always apologised for not being a cabinet maker, but he got the job done. Fred Dainty was a long term worker and friend, now with Christ. 3.5 years after suffering a tragic stroke and ‘enduring to the end’, Fred’s body gave up mid September, and the Lord of all Being took him. In his working days Fred’s support was generous and practical and a real godly blessing. After he retired he simply shifted tasks to Jurassic Ark and blessed us with his hands. He loved to come on ministry trips especially youth meets like a camp or convention … even when it cost him a speeding ticket. Fred often prayed “Lord be merciful to me a sinner!” Rejoice in the fact that Fred is with Christ in Glory … not because he was good enough, but because Jesus was, and today he’s having a wonderful time catching up with Daniel and Noah, and best of all .. .his precious Lord Jesus. Fred was a wonderful help to this ministry and a blessed friend. We will miss him till next we meet when Jesus comes. See some of the items we reported involving Fred over the years HERE.

Thank You Amy, Welcome Natalie
After 7 years with us as office secretary, Amy and her husband have moved. Thank you for seven wonderful years, Amy, as you served the Lord in ministry here at Creation Research. And welcome to Natalie, who over the past couple of years reached the conviction she’d like to work with Creation Research.

Reverend Donald Dadd
THE JOY OF ESCAPING THEISTIC EVOLUTION … John Mackay preached recently in Gladstone. The chairman of the day (Searle James) introduced him in the following way: “The Secretary of the Bible Society in Queensland, used to drive north each year or two to visit churches and tell the story of the Bible Society — its beginning, present and future plans. On one visit to our home in Gladstone and after a meal with us, he shared: “When I went to Bible College I was taught theistic evolution, so that was what I believed and that was what I taught. After I talked with John I threw all that theistic evolution out the window and the Bible has become a new living book to me!” The then Bible Society Secretary was the Reverend Donald Dadd and the John was his son-in-law, married to daughter Anne. Donald passed to be with the Lord Jesus at age. 95 He is much missed but we shall meet again.