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FOSSIL LAND PLANTS in “Marine” Limestone west of Nashville.  Click for more Fossil First Reports FOSSIL FIRST REPORTS 

Geologist Bob Powell, USA, reports finds of FOSSIL LAND PLANTS in “Marine” Limestone west of Nashville. The plants were found in the St Louis formation which is lower down the geologic column than the plants we discovered in the Hartselle Shales, near the Cumberland Plateau. No land plants are registered in the TN geological archives from either “marine” location.

The discovery was made by Bob’s youngest daughter, Marilyn (left), and a friend as they were out biking. The new plants (below) are long strap-like structures up to 1.5cm (¾ inch) wide and have been found in crystalline limestone which seems devoid of any other fossils. Praise God for His help in making such discoveries.

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