Our FOSSIL FISH COLLECTION will show you some of the spectacular specimens we have been able to gather as John Mackay and team have searched the globe, digging, swapping and buying, as they collected the best evidence possible of God’s genius as Creator and His power as Judge. DR ANDY McINTOSH, UK Professor Leeds University stated, when he saw some of our display fossils at our conference: “These are world class. I haven’t seen many things like this, even in top museums”. VOMITING FISH FOSSIL shows not only the beautiful preservation of a fish which indicates it was buried rapidly, but the fossil was very deeply buried also. The increasing pressure of the mud above forced the fish’s intestinal contents out through its mouth. The story told by most modern geologists about slow fossilisation simply does not work. The rock record is a reminder that only catastrophic events leave fossils and the fossils do not record vast amounts of time.

 Obviously I’m a fish, and my little friend beside me is a pine plant frond. But how did we both get here in this black rock? The frond is lying on its side and I’m not. I obviously didn’t die and float to the surface like in a fish tank. You may have noticed dead fish float usually upside down or sideways, then they blow up and sink. I didn’t blow up, and my guts are still intact. But my plant friend is lying on its side, yet I’m flattened. I’ve obviously been buried alive before I could swim another smidgen. Since pine trees don’t grow with fish, the plant’s been washed into place, and the current has been coming from right top to left bottom. See how the plant is facing, and see the same pushed curve in my body. We were both travelling along in the same muck and we haven’t moved since the muck stopped. I’m definitely a rapid flood burial . |
THIS BEAUTIFUL FINNED FOSSIL FISH is part of our collection. We have 5 of these specimens from Lebanon. They all expose the popular evolutionist lie which is repeated in text books and museums: that fish, live, die and fall to the bottom, before they are slowly buried and turned into fossils. The picture perfect preservation shows this fish was buried alive.


Part of our Museum is a beautifully preserved FOSSIL SQUID WITH INK in its sac. We ran a test using ammonia to extract the ink and to see if we could still write with it. The answer is a big yes and you can see the results – we even got a feather pen and wrote the word INK as proof. Several conclusions are possible: 1) the squid was buried quickly so all body parts are intact; 2) it had to be buried before the ink sac could be fully expelled which is what usually happens when a squid is frightened and; 3) the body had to be preserved without degradation so that the ink sac, did not collapse and disintegrate. Which fourthly means that overall it was buried quickly, deeply, and in the absence of bugs, air etc and hence beautifully preserved. Of course if you want to believe that the ink has stayed intact for the past hundred plus million years (which modern evolutionist dating would suggest), then all the best to you. The presence of usable ink in the ink sac would suggest this is simply nonsense. yes we wanted to be original so we went down to the chicken pen this morning and extracted a feather to make the pen with so it had no track record of exposure to any ink compound prior to the squid. No we are not the first to do this. We wrote about it in Evidence News a number of years ago and for the record’s sake we included the original item. See our article here. Thanks to those whose financial support enables us to extract fossils both with our own labour and from those who can supply them to us for research and for our Jurassic Ark Outdoor Creation Museum.
To help more DONATE NOW. |

JELLY FISH FOSSIL DISPLAY we have some great fossils on display at Jurassic Ark including the great specimen of pre-Cambrian jellyfish we obtained from Michigan USA. Note the fossilised ripple marks are covered with millions of jellyfish. The importance of this fabulous plate in our collection is that since Jellyfish are soft and floppy they don’t lay around waiting to be slowly buried and since there are an enormous number of them (over several hundreds of miles) it cries out of a massive flood catastrophe. Your support enables us to get the research done, get expedition done and get these fossils for a fabulous collection. The specimen is of a fish which is at least 7 cm (3 inches) thick. The orthodox logic is that the fish lived, died and fell to the bottom and was entrapped in the layered sediment.
Fabulous Fossil Fish donated to our Creation Research Museum, as Charlie Zeiss gets behind our work with a magnificent beautifully preserved fish from the Santana formation from Brazil. Every expert who has examined these fish has concluded they were fossilised while still alive. All their organs are intact and the evidence points to chemicals being forcibly impregnated into the fish as they drowned in a very rapidly deposited sediment. These fish are mostly easy to recognise because many are still living and again provide wonderful evidence God has created creatures each after their kind. Specimens such as these continue to enable us to confound the evolutionists by proving that fossils don’t take a long time to form – they take a process.

We have a fossil jellyfish which John Mackay brought home from the Solnhofen in Germany. Yes we can’t resist saying it – both are easy to recognise because these creatures are still here today, despite the alleged millions of years placed on these rocks by the evolutionists. Your support makes it possible for us to go and collect, swap or purchase these. Either way the Jurassic Ark fossil collection has become very impressive indeed. CHALLENGE QUESTION? Are the fossils pairs shown below living fossils or not? 

To see more of our Fabulous Museum Gains click MUSEUM GAINS collection |