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Our fabulous Fossil Leaves Collection is world class and are collected from around the world by The Creation Guy John Mackay and the Creation Research Team make it so obvious to the layman so they have no trouble seeing the truth of God’s work in God’s world. Bookmark this page for further reports.
See our great Ginkgo leaf. Ginkgo is the fossil responsible for Charles Darwin inventing the term ‘living fossil’. In his day the newly discovered living Ginkgo had just been introduced into England but was and is a tremendous reminder evolution is not true. We added to our Aussie Creation Museum the new Ginkgo fossil (below) showing that the history of Ginkgo is degeneration not evolution. Notice the decrease in size and number of fronds on the Ginkgo leaf. This degenerative process has diminished the size of the Ginkgo and stuck the separate fronds together. Today’s Ginkgo has only 2 fronds which is why it is called ‘Ginkgo biloba’, but you can still see the original segments in the Ginkgo leaf if you look carefully.
See full report of Fern Polystrate etched and Fern excavated (above) click Polystrate File Leaves |
THE LORD BLESSED US with great finds as Daryl Brenton and John Mackay (right below) spent a September day in the field. Not only did we find beautiful fossil ferns in so-called Triassic rocks, but all ferns were 3-D impressions with original material replaced by various pink- brown compounds of iron. Look at close-ups on the left – and notice the 3D shape bought out by shadows. These fossils were flood deposited and rapidly buried. PLUS there are 2 types of ferns – ones that are still alive such as tree ferns, and Y shaped ones called seed ferns, which seem to have died out, leaving only spore producing ferns. Extinction and devolution are the real history of planet Earth – a “Rock Solid” fact supporting the Bible record. |
FAST FOSSIL LEAVES PROVEN! Most teachers are convinced fossils prove the world is old so we did an experiment on just how quickly a leaf could be preserved, not just as a fossil, but how fast could it carbonise to form jet black leaves often found associated with coal seams. Our starting point was fresh green gum leaves from the trees at our Jurassic Ark Gardens. Our time for the experiment was three months from entrapping them in man-made sediment, to splitting the artificial sandstone to check results. The result was a beautifully preserved and carbonised fossil leaf (above). More proof you don’t need millions of years to fossilise leaves, you need the right process. POLYSTRATE LEAF FIND – This great specimen of a leaf is approximately 2 1/2 cm across and about 12 cm long. It is more great evidence that the entire bed we were collecting from (near Miles, Queensland) was catastrophically dumped, and buried rapidly. You can see the base of the bedding and how this leaf stands sideways through the rock strata. Not one slow grain at a time deposited here. All of this was washed in quickly. YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF OUR RESEARCH IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. WEB GIVE click (tax deductible in the USA and UK) DONATE NOW |
JURASSIC CYCAD FIND OF THE YEAR as Bill Hitchcock (above left) and John Mackay made great finds north of Miles in Queensland. The Cycad leaves (above right) are brilliantly preserved and easy to recognise and are the sort of fossil deposit you will get to see and collect when you join us for fossil digs. Cycad seeds have even been found in dinosaur stomachs so they ate them, and provide remarkable insight into just how vegetarian many dinosaurs provably were, till well after Noah’s flood.
This beautiful Glossopteris Fruit and Leaf fossil (above) from New South Wales shows even the fruiting bodies of the plant are preserved. Glossopteris means tongue shaped (glosso) pteris (fern). To see more of our Fabulous Museum Gains click MUSEUM GAINS collection |
Leave Fossil in Wollemi Pine Slab (above and below). For more details click Wollemi Pine YOUR HELP NEEDED NOW WITH CREATION RESEARCH MUSEUM DONATE NOW Gifts Tax deductible in UK and USA. To see more of our Fabulous Museum Gains click MUSEUM GAINS collection |