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Click for more Flood Research Reports exposing the nonsense of millions of years to make fossil records FLOOD RESEARCH REPORTS

Keep Praying for our Our Flood Research and Fossil Collection worldwide as we expose the errors of evolutionists. Our personally collected fossils (right) are very useful, particularly in the schools and colleges where it has proven a great plus in convincing students about creation, when we have such local knowledge. DONATE NOW 

During our recent Scottish ministry John Mackay (left) and Randall Hardy (right) were able to visit the famous fish quarries in the Wick area (north eastern Scotland), speak to owners of the quarries, see some of their great specimens and also collect our own.

The banded beds are very widespread in this area (our local guide Willy (right) shown for scale). They are interpreted as a shallow lake which went from Inverness, Scotland to Norway. The sediments have been known as good sources for well preserved fossil fish for several hundred years.

The specimen held in my hand (bottom left) is of a fish which is at least 7 cm (3 inches) thick. The orthodox logic is that the fish lived, died and fell to the bottom and was entrapped in the layered sediment.
When you reverse the maths on their claim it took 4 thousand years to deposit some 2 metres of layered fish full sediment. Then each mm or 1/25” of rock took 2 years to form, so the fish shown would have needed 70 – 150 years to be buried – an obvious fallacy. Nowhere was there any evidence this deposit formed slowly, with the well preserved fishes showing exactly the opposite – fast burial.

Keep praying for our research and fossil collection worldwide as we expose the errors of evolutionists. Our personally collected fossils (right) are very useful, particularly in the schools and colleges where it has proven a great plus in convincing students about creation, when we have such local knowledge.