Description World plant mutation expert Prof John Turner from east Anglia University UK vs the Creation Guy John Mackay debating the evidence used in high school curriculums. Click below to access this and a whole lot of other exclusive videos on our video streaming platform Did Life Evolve Or Was It Created?
Description Watch For Yourself-Christians Vs Athiests On Creation Vs Evolution. The results were intriguingly commented on in the local press with “sadly it was the creationists who came out the clear winners.” (Launceston Examiner p22 Oct 5 2006). See if you agree as you join the crowd who filled Scotch Oakburn College Auditorium in Launceston to overflowing. The debate was…
Description Evolution is what God used vs. God created as the Bible says? Who should decide this vital issue? Is it the scientists? Is it the theologians? Is it the Word of God? Don’t miss this informative fact filled debate. It’s really about who Jesus is. John Mackay graduated in Geology and in Education and has researched and lectured worldwide…
Description As the UK’s leading theistic evolutionist, Dr John Polkinghorne started the debate with his claim that the universe had evolved over the past 14 billion years. Mackay quickly produced a copy of a 1990 lecture by Polkinghorne, where he had stated the universe had evolved over 15 billion years. It was fun to watch the audience react to Mackay’s…
Description In 2 hours John Mackay defeats 4 evolutionist Professors from Saskatchewan University, Canada. Eye-opening, great for youth and classroom. This is the video that led to Creation Research being asked to prepare a creation curriculum for public school science classes. Includes question time. Click below to access this and a whole lot of other exclusive videos on our video…