Description Join Indiana Joe & Dr Diane Eager as they wander around the new Creation Research Centre in Oswestry. Home to over 25k fossils, artefacts, exhibits and dinosaurs, the Centre is more than just a museum - its a research facility, cinema, gift store, training centre, and more! Discover the fascinating artefacts and exhibits that the museum holds, as well…
Description In March 2020, the COVID-19 lockdown hit the UK. All planned ministry and projects were cancelled. Research diminished. So Creation Research were faced with a dilemma – How was ministry going to continue with a worldwide lockdown? Two weeks later, Creation Research Unplugged was born. Click below to access this and a whole lot of other exclusive videos on…
Description As the UK’s leading theistic evolutionist, Dr John Polkinghorne started the debate with his claim that the universe had evolved over the past 14 billion years. Mackay quickly produced a copy of a 1990 lecture by Polkinghorne, where he had stated the universe had evolved over 15 billion years. It was fun to watch the audience react to Mackay’s…
Description What is the Gospel? Who is Jesus? Why does it matter? What will you do in response? Watch this brand new short film from Creation Research which explains the Gospel. Click below to access this and a whole lot of other exclusive videos on our video streaming platform The Gospel - Short Film
Description GROUND BREAKING, REVEALING, FASCINATING, CHALLENGING are the words which best describe this interview, filmed at the Creation Museum in Kentucky featuring John Mackay and Ken Ham as they show and discuss "The Museum, The Ark, The Evidence, The Results, The Opposition, The Victories, The Blessings, The Future." Watch now and praise the Lord Jesus with us for this new…
Description Lecture given to UK Parliamentarians by John Mackay international Director of Creation Research. When we teach students where they come from we actually teach them who they are. Science is not morally neutral. Facts, Faith and Fallacies. If creation is true, what would the evidence be? If evolution is true, where is the evidence? Click below to access this…