Creation Research is a Christian Ministry whose main aim is to counter the lies of evolution and show people that real science always supports the Bible and therefore that we can also trust the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Creation Research is made up of science graduates who interpret the evidence through the lens of Biblical revelation. International Director John Mackay has been a leading figure in this field for many decades and has presented and debated on this subject throughout the world.

Craig was raised in a Christian family and is the son of a Church of Christ pastor. He has worked fulltime with Creation Research since mid-2022 and on various occasions since 2006.
He has been married to Rachelle for over 26 years, has six children and lives in Beauty Point Tasmania where he is an elder in the local Baptist Church.
Craig graduated in science at the Australian National University in 1990 and worked in both public and private forestry in NSW and Tasmania. He achieved the University’s Schlich Medal and Timber Industry Awards at graduation. While working in Tasmania he gained a Masters Degreen in Science from the University of Tasmania before leaving forestry following the purchase of Seahorse World where Rachelle was head biologist. Seahorse World is a unique seahorse breeding and global exporting business and a well-known Tasmanian tourism attraction.
Craig and Rachelle have had a passion to open a Creation Museum for many years and after joining up with Brendan and De Arn Foley opened the Creation Discovery Centre Tasmania (CDCT) in 2021, adjacent Seahorse World. Craig acts as chair of the CDCT Board. The CDCT is part of the broader Creation Research museum network which also has displays in Queensland, England and the USA. The Creation Discovery Centre has had many opportunities to witness to people since opening and has seen people give their lives to Jesus Christ as a result of visiting.
In 2006 Craig teamed up with John Mackay, international director of Creation Research, to debate the Atheist Foundation of Australia in Launceston Tasmania, where a resounding victory was achieved. The following year they debated the Rationalist Society at Melbourne University. Since joining Creation Research full-time Craig’s focus has been on museum development, participation in weekly Youtube blog “Creation Conversations”, research around Tasmania and speaking engagements to men’s groups, youth groups, churches and schools.
A range of topics may be covered in talks including Seahorses: God’s handiwork; Christians and environmentalism; Why Christians should avoid belief in evolution; The feathered dinosaur dilemma; Flood evidences in Tasmania, Australia.
Craig’s main passion is to see people saved in a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He views evolution as a major deception in this world and especially to Australian and western culture. His spare time is spent watching his children’s sport, managing his Tasmanian Blue Gum plantation and fossil hunting.